Thursday, November 5, 2015

Glass Bubbler Pipes: Art or Leisure?

Glass bubbler pipes are available in a variety of colorful designs, psychedelic shapes and compact sizes for easy transport. Somewhere between a pipe and a bong, a unique device was born and is perfect for every weed connoisseur. Unlike bongs, pipes are smaller in size and do not include bowls that can be separated. The idea behind glass bubbler pipes are similar to that of a bong, but instead of removing the bong, you simply take your finger off of the shottie located on the side of the smoking apparatus. With the inclusion of water, bubblers tend to offer a gentler hit, not quite as harsh as smoking from a bowl or regular glass pipe.

While the majority of  bubbler pipes are designed with a sturdy base for easy placement on a desk or tabletop, some have a hammer design which make them unique. Hammer bubblers are not only portable, but have the added bonus of being pocket friendly or hand held. Regardless of the features, handheld and table top bubblers are available in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Reveal your creative side with a smoking device shaped like a fish, or a bubbler twisted to appear to be a bold lion. Artistic and useful, these small pieces of art may put a dent in your wallet, but will give you peace of mind. With beautiful color schemes ranging from purple genie glass to elegant silvers and golds, bubblers are famous among customers for their ability to be custom-made.

Imagine unwinding after a rough day by smoking beautiful glass art work, it's the epitome of paradise. Once a rip is taken, the ash gray smoke twists down, combining with the water to create bubbles that cool off the smoke. Though hits may not be as harsh, the thick glass still provides quite a bit of bang for its buck! Many smokers are impressed of how big of a hit they can get off of bubblers that are so small in size. These skillfully made weed smoking devices are hand crafted from borosilicate glass tubes that are designed to withstand heavy usage. When looking for a cool glass bubbler pipe, take notice if the glass has been fumed, this means that it will show a unique change in color throughout its lifetime, but can be easily cleaned.

Unlike bowls, joints and the average pipe, these pipes have a diverse set of advantages. As opposed to hot smoke entering your lungs while smoking, these water inclusive devices are effective at cooling down smoke. The bubbling water also acts as a filter, dissolving some of the tar that would normally be inhaled with a hit. When pipes are used, smoke accumulates the chamber allowing the user to experience heftier hits with more smoke power. Depending on style choice, brand and size and ability to have them custom made, prices range between as little as $20 and way over $400. Smoking at leisure has never been more pleasurable! If you're looking for something new and want to enjoy smooth rips in style, relaxing with a glass bubbler pipe is definitely the choice for you.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Dab Trends: The Nectar Collector Vertical Vaporizer

The nectar collector pipe is a growing trend among concentrate enthusiasts and casual cannabis users alike, some call the style of pipe the next evolution of dabbing, and if you have ever used one you might say the same.

In its simplest definition a nectar collector is a steamroller for concentrates, a titanium tip at one end and the mouth piece at the other with a convenient water chamber and percolator in its shaft. Unlike a bubbler or bong used for dabs, a nectar collector does not require a wand or nail, and can be put right into the dish holding your concentrates, which is the main attribute for the unique style of water pipe. The style is quite universal, it’s small enough to travel with like a standard pipe yet designed to be just as good as a bulky hitting bong. It is ultimately designed to be simple to use.

“We think it's the next step in vertical vaporization. The basic concept is that you're taking exactly how much you want every time -- no more, no less. It's good and clean.” Said Jeff Zobell and Kristian Merwin, creators and inventors of the nectar collector, in an interview with High Times magazine during the 2014 Cannabis Cup Awards. “We give people the choice of glass, quartz or titanium, plus the portability -- we're going into pendants and things like that as well. I think that part of the evolution in doing this is collaborating with people. This is just the tip of the iceberg.” Nectar collectors are quite new in the growing industry, glass makers and smokes shops alike are finding steady profit and growth of interest among them, a multitude of dabbing communities have been avidly promoting the use of them due to its convenience, and marketability. Some of the more intricate nectar collectors can run a pretty penny, up to $5000 USD for those looking for exquisitely crafted pieces, but for the most part simple nectar collectors don’t get more expensive than your average glass bong.

The nectar collector pipe is a growing trend among concentrate enthusiasts and casual cannabis users alike, some call the style of pipe the next evolution of dabbing, and if you have ever used one you might say the same.

In its simplest definition a nectar collector is a steamroller for concentrates, a titanium tip at one end and the mouth piece at the other with a convenient water chamber and percolator in its shaft. Unlike a bubbler or bong used for dabs, a nectar collector does not require a wand or nail, and can be put right into the dish holding your concentrates, which is the main attribute for the unique style of water pipe. The style is quite universal, it’s small enough to travel with like a standard pipe yet designed to be just as good as a bulky hitting bong. It is ultimately designed to be simple to use.

“We think it's the next step in vertical vaporization. The basic concept is that you're taking exactly how much you want every time -- no more, no less. It's good and clean.” Said Jeff Zobell and Kristian Merwin, creators and inventors of the nectar collector, in an interview with High Times magazine during the 2014 Cannabis Cup Awards. “We give people the choice of glass, quartz or titanium, plus the portability -- we're going into pendants and things like that as well. I think that part of the evolution in doing this is collaborating with people. This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

One of the best things about a nectar collector is that the water won’t spill when laid on its side, the mouth piece comes off in order to put water in its chamber and when put back on keeps it in there, turning it upside down would result in maybe a drop or two coming out, most have prongs sticking out of the sides so that it is at a slant when set down and a few come with stands to hold them upright all together. For the most part it is essentially designed to be dummy proof, of course you can’t be too careless when dealing with a heated titanium tip, and a word of caution to new users of nectar collectors that you should be aware of what a heated tip comes in contact with, anyone who has burnt themselves on a heated nail could give the same advice.

The Nectar Collector is fine and unique dabbing piece that any concentrate enthusiast would enjoy having. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Vibrant Shadows in the Art World: Custom Glass Pipes Boom Underground

Thanks to a recent growing trend of custom glass pipes, cannabis users can smoke in style! These pipes boast unique designs and an attractive, engaging appearance.

Although they’re not currently recognized as “legitimate” art, there’s a great demand for custom glass pipes. Many online stores offer custom, hand-blown glass pipes and bongs. The Degenerate Art: The Art and Culture of Glass Pipes is devoted to the process of glassblowing. Custom glass pipes are widely available online in myriad quirky color combinations and shapes, some even fashioned after animals. Prices range anywhere from about fifteen to a hundred thousand dollars depending on the artist and complexity of design. (Hint: Chong’s products go upward of a thousand dollars. They’re rare since his line was discontinued.) Smaller businesses such as local stores and glass workshops even take commissions for new designs!

What started off as friendly competition between glassblowers has become a huge underground phenomenon. According to the 2011 documentary Degenerate Art: The Art and Culture of Glass Pipes, glassblowing custom pipes is a billion-dollar industry, and there are many thousand glassblowers in the U.S. The process of designing and creating these pipes is widely regarded as an art form, yielding a showpiece rather than a mere means to an end.

And even though they’re decorative, these pipes are designed for use. One glassblower from Degenerate Art even proved this by throwing one of his pipes on the ground to show it wouldn’t break!

There’s no denying that the industry is already huge. But starting a few weeks ago, custom glass pipes are bringing another wave of scrutiny. A good amount of people are still just now learning about it. “People may know what a glass pipe is but they have no idea that there’s this whole subculture, that people are making multi-thousand dollar pieces or that they’re beautiful, amazing objects that really have never been seen before,” the documentary describes.

So why not bring these pipes into the mainstream? Well some companies are making the bold step in that direction. One online store that comes to mind,, has begun selling custom glass pipes along with manufactured glass pipes. However, the unfortunate truth is that many glassblowers making pipes face obstacles from federal laws.

Weed guru Tommy Chong famously created a line of bongs and pipes called “Chong’s Glass,” which ran until he was arrested for distributing paraphernalia in 2003. Unfortunately many other glassblowers had been arrested on similar charges. Although this affected people in the industry, it hasn’t fazed them. After taking the situation into consideration and carefully adapting, they got back on their feet. Today, there are many thousand glassblowers in the U.S. and over a billion dollars in the practice.

Many glassblowers have college degrees, but there are few prerequisites. People interested in making their own glass pipes usually become apprentices for glassblowers. A few just jump in. After all, there’s a booming market waiting for them right now. They might still have to be surreptitious, but their perseverance in the face of prosecution has proven the industry nigh invincible. And many are confident that someday these intricate works of art will end up where they belong—in galleries and museums.

In the meantime, they’re giving many happy cannabis smokers an aesthetically pleasing way to their high.

For more information on glassblowing custom pipes, watch the documentary Degenerate Art.

Monday, February 2, 2015

What's the Difference Between a Bong and A Dab Rig?

Whether you are a hardcore stoner or have "never touched the stuff" chances are that you've heard of a bong. Only the real pothead would be familiar with a "dab rig", also known as an oil rig, or concentrate rig. 

Dab rigs look something like a glass bong, but are specialized for "dabbing", which is smoking a concentrated form of cannabis (honey oil, shatter, wax). The bong is the quintessential smoking device used by stoners for decades, whereas the dab rig is the wave of the future. To clarify what really sets these two glass pipes apart, I've outlined the main differences between a bong and a dab rig below.

 Bowl vs. Nail
The biggest difference between a bong and a dab rig has a lot to do with the product being smoked. With a bong, one would smoke dry herb. The herb would be packed into your bowl to be lit with a standard lighter. A dab rig however uses a "nail" instead of a bowl. The nail rests on the part of the dab rig called a glass joint. The nail itself is heated to very high temperatures using a hand torch, so that when the honey oil or wax is placed onto the nail the concentrated cannabis is vaporized before being inhaled.
glass bowl
Ti nail

A glass bong is almost always going to be bigger than a dab rig. The reason being is that combusted dry herb doesn't vaporize, so the bong could be as big as you want it to be because the smoke will travel the entire path without dissipating or sticking to the glass. On the other hand, the smaller dab rig just make sense. A small compact dab rig keeps the vapor milky and condensed, keeping the flavor and potency. Many dab heads will say, the shorter the path from the nail to the face, the harder the hit.

Dab rigs are generally going to be more expensive, but not by much. This is mostly has to do with the nail, which is more specialized and often made with pricey material, like titanium. You can find cheap dab rigs, you just need to know where to look. There's an online store that sells wholesale glass pipes and is open to the public. Just click on the link above to check it out! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Dream Glass Collection: Top 5

What a better way to start a blog than with a dream list. So here it goes. If money was no object, my glass pipe collection would look something like this:

1. Skeleton Hand Glass Pipe - What can I say, I'm a sucker for glass art that resembles zombie limbs. you just pack the bowl on the hand, and take a hit from the ulna..or is that the radius?..anyway the top of the arm bone.

2. Octopus Pipe - This is a beautiful glass masterpiece, and somehow also a pipe.

3. Thingamapipe - I'm not sure what this is supposed to resemble, but I do know that it's a pipe and that it's quite beautiful, and it belongs on my list. Found on

4. An Alien Reindeer? This is something quite sinister, but I like it.

5. Native Roots Pipe - I'm amazed by the intricate detail on this one.

These are great examples of amazing glass art. If you also have a love for glass take a look at this website:
for an extensive collection of american glass art.